Residential Events

Annual All Age Gathering


We have made an initial booking for 50 places for North East Thames and North London friends for the weekend of 4 - 6 April 2025.  North West London Area Meeting have booked 90 places for the same weekend.  

Link to Booking Form:

High Leigh 2025 Booking Form

A joint planning Group is working to bring together a broader group of Quakers who live north of the Thames in a new adventure.  There will be opportunities to hear several people telling their stories, with sessions to reflect on them and share our own.


Forty two North East Thames and North London Friends gathered at the High Leigh Conference Centre from 1st to 3rd March 2024. The theme of the event was  “What should our response, as Quakers, be to the Climate Crisis?” 

Quaker climate activists Rajan Naidu and Arne Springorum helped us think through our personal and collective responses to the emergency.

An annual weekend at High Leigh began in the early 1960’s as an opportunity for the adults within Ratcliff and Barking Monthly Meeting to enjoy a stimulating weekend led by a prominent Friend as a Speaker.

High Leigh has strong Quaker roots as the main house and gardens were once owned by Robert Barclay, a member of one of the Quaker families who helped to establish Barclays Bank.

It has proved an enjoyable place to stay over the years with the grounds in particular providing a lot of pleasure, especially for the children who all enjoy exploring the nooks and crannies and climbing the many trees.